820 E Grant St., Suite #335
Appleton, WI 54911

119 E Bell St.
Neenah, WI 54956

Exhaled Nitric Oxide Testing

Measurement of the nitric oxide level in the air you breathe out is a simple test to
measure airway inflammation. The nitric oxide level, or FENO, is frequently used prior
to allergy testing. It also makes monitoring of asthma easier for you and your provider
to manage.

What Is Done During The Test?

You will be seated and asked to slowly blow out. You will place a mouthpiece in your
mouth. Next, you will take a deep breath in filling up your lungs. You will slowly blow
the air out of your lungs. This will be repeated until there is an acceptable effort. Our nursing staff will explain the test and coach you to do it correctly.

How Long Will The Test Take?

The exhaled nitric oxide test often takes 5 minutes to complete.

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